My Little Girl

João Felipe

My heart was tight. My little doll was sick and we didn't know yet what this sudden fever was all about.

Everything was so good! She was a very healthy child and since I returned to live in São Paulo, she had never been sick. Not even when she took her vaccines, which nurses always warned about having some kind of reaction, did she get a fever?

" What does she have, Doctor? " Viviane anticipated me when the doctor who was accompanying Sarinha entered the room where we were waiting for the result of some tests that were performed.

"The tests showed only a slight infection. Probably due to tonsillitis identified when I examined it."

She approached Sarinha and touched her face briefly, probably to feel the temperature. She was a woman in her fifties and very cordial.

He looked at something on a paper in his hand and continued to explain.

"I'm going to give you an antibiotic to be given at home and you'll be able to take little Sarah Felicity home."

Upon hearing Sarinha's midd
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