Chapter 3693
“What? Did nothing happen to the kid?”

“He can speak as usual! That punch clearly didn’t do anything!”

“Look at the replay!”

“The kid didn’t even sway one bit, let alone take a step back!”

“People who didn’t know might just think that the Indian was tickling him or something!”

“If that were actually the case, the Indian must be pretty useless then!”

“He showed off this hard, yet this is all he can do?!”

“How is he not embarrassed?! He’s so weak!”

The crowd was gossiping out a storm. They were constantly throwing insults at Niko Burton without pause.

Niko’s expression instantly worsened.

He took a deep breath without saying a single word before throwing another punch at Albus Robbins.

At this moment, he was using all of his might.

He knew that the Indians could not afford to be embarrassed again.


Along with the loud sound, Niko’s punch came in contact with Albus’ chest…

But before he could show a prideful look on his face, his body shuddered before he was sent flying
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