Chapter 3692
After seeing Niko Burton’s back, Axel Garcia showed a stern look on his face.

“India’s reputation is in your hands now, Niko! Give it all you’ve got! We cannot afford to lose this!”

“Don’t worry, Master Garcia! I will not dishonor our name!” replied Niko with a cold tone.

Then, he walked to the center of the ring before coldly glaring at Harvey York and the others.

“I’ll handle this one!”

Even before Harvey could say anything, Albus Robbins showed a faint smile before he took off his shirt, revealing his bronze skin as he stepped into the ring.

He then squinted at Niko.

“Since you’re also a brute-force learner…

“I won’t go too hard on you.

“I’ll let you throw three punches at me for free! If I even take a step back, you win!”

‘What the f*ck?!

The host was flabbergasted.

‘What’s wrong with this kid?!

‘Why would you start running your mouth even before I explain the rules?!

‘You’re letting your opponent throw three punches at you?

‘How much of a show-off can you be?!’

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