Chapter 80

Gradually, they finished off the men outside. Feeling cornered, Fabricio searched his pocket for a lighter and set fire to the curtains. Then, he took giant steps toward the women, his eyes vacant. When he reached them, a sinister laugh escaped his mouth, followed by terrifying words.

"We'll be married to the flames in here."

At that moment, the door was knocked down. Oscar entered, accompanied by Damian.

"Surrender, Fabricio. Your men have been captured," shouted Oscar from the entrance, knowing that any wrong move could endanger the lives of the women and his daughter.

Fabricio was very close to Lindsey. He pushed her, taking the girl from her and using her as a shield. The baby cried desperately in his tight grip.

"Are you the murderer of my son?" he expressed with a cold look. "I'm going to show you what it feels like to see your child dead." He aimed the gun at the baby's head.

Courney felt a sharp pang in her belly, sending a shiver through her body. Her mind clouded, and she wh
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