Will imagined both Ethan and Dixon being at the she-wolf's side, she smelled disgustingly of them. He didn't know how she'd been able to find Ethan after he'd taken it upon himself to discard the wolf straight to the hunters, but for the two of them to appear in front of her as if their bodies had recovered overnight if it was anything to be impressed by. She growled at them both. This was complicating the situation.

-What? Did you realize the power of the superior blood?- Ethan almost read his mind as he noticed the alpha's discomfort.

-Just locking us up to the point of killing us can degrade our bodies.

Behind Will many were looking at the two twins they thought were dead. Others not so much being aware of their alpha's plans. Will took a deep breath and looked around. He could make out several red dots coming towards them surrounding them.

-What is this Clara? You are going to attack me when I just want to negotiate.

-Are you a sinist, Will? You enter my territory in a threatening
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