(Devil's Marriage Trap) Chapter 51 -

Nina felt awkward under his profound gaze. She shifted her gaze away and looked at her son; she smiled. “Noah.”

She hides her emotions as if they didn’t exist.

She sat beside Noah and caressed his head. “Son, how are you feeling? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” Nina asked as she carefully examined her son. Last night, her son received such a complex treatment that she was worried about his health.

“Mommy, Noah is very strong, see?” Noah raised his hand and showed his cute hand as he fisted his hand tightly to show his invisible biceps.

Nina smiled, seeing how cute her son was getting day by day. She didn’t notice the person who sat on the other side of her son was looking at her intensely, but others did.

Mike and Theo exchanged a look at each other while Aiden showed an understanding look, but only Adam was furious at Ace’s deep eyes on Nina; damn what this monster was thinking in his head.

“Couch.” Adam coughed intentionally.

But even though Ace heard it, he pretended not to li
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