Chapter 96

“Are you sure about this?” Maddox asked, coming up next to Aidan at the lookout point and seeing the mischievous grin spreading across his face.

“Do you want to take off your earrings and slaughter them all?” Aidan asked.

“Of course not.”

“Then this is the best option. Let's go.”

Maddox rolled his eyes before following him. Only Aidan could think of such things. Four days after General Gallgher's letter, they and one of their Alphas, with a unit of two hundred lycans had split into four strategic groups to attack the main camp of Alphas Adrien and Alec.

“Remember: don't kill anyone if it isn’t absolutely necessary, but don't let them hurt you either,” the king ordered, turning to his detachment. “We move in and out of that camp, and then, run with everything you've got. The perimeter is two hundred and fifty miles, so get ready, because it's going to be a long hunt.”

“We'll meet at this point,” Maddox told them. “Form groups of three and no one stays behind. If anyone is in danger, th
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