Chapter 100

“What were you thinking, Aidan Casthiel?!” Rhiannon shouted, throwing the wooden horses from the second story window.

Brennan's eyes widened, aghast at the scene that was unfolding while Akela and Aidan were out the terrace door, laughing their heads off and dodging the toys and things Rhiannon was throwing.

“Pink? Pink?! How could you paint the horses pink!” Rhiannos yelled. “Your children are the future kings! The alpha males of the pack! How could you paint the horses pink!”

Brennan held back his laughter as he slapped Aidan in the chest.

“Are you crazy or do you really want to die?” he scolded him. “You don't mess with a pregnant she-wolf, especially one about to give birth to her pups.”

“She's been so serious these days! I just wanted her to have fun...” Aidan said, explaining himself, and pushed Brennan aside so that another of the toys wouldn't hit him in the head.

“What kind of respect will the other puppies have for them if they show up riding around on little pink horses?!”
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