Chapter 8

Aidan recoiled, shocked by the depth of rage in that girl's voice, though his own was not any less. He had waited centuries for his mate, and now she would not accept his claim on her, and that was exactly like...

“Are you rejecting me?” he growled.

“I'm telling you I won't let you mark me until I've met your wolf,” Rhiannon replied. After all, she the last lycan in her bloodline, and regardless of how much Aidan was her destined mate, she wasn't willing to bond with a wolf she didn't know.

“There's just nothing else to it!” roared the Alpha. “This is me, this is my wolf...!”

Rhiannon's gaze softened, unable to believe for a moment what she was hearing. Of course there was more, much more, otherwise he would never have been able to make use of those abilities.

“Every lycan has his wolf. Where do you think the powers you use come from?!” bellowed Rhiannon. “They're not yours, you just use them! They belong to your wolf!”

The Alpha's eyes darkened in a second.

“I don't know what you're
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