Chapter 50


I have never disliked anything about Anne. Everything she did, every decision she made, every harsh word she uttered at me didn’t matter to me until what she did a week ago.

A week ago, I felt the weight of her words pushing me to my knees for the first time. I disliked what she did. And I didn’t feel like following her as she asked.

It took me a few hours to finally understand what it was that I felt. I was angry. Maybe no. I was fuming, my blood was running hot in my veins. Just as she had uttered hurtful words at me, I wanted to do the same.

I had gone to do just that when I left that place abruptly, but when I reached the Night Walker Pack and saw her, the anger went to the back of my head.

I was still angry but taking out that anger on Anne would never happen. Hurting her would break my heart.

I realized she didn’t mean anything she said right when she was uttering those words. The thing I disliked the most was the fact that she was not behaving like the usual selfish woman
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