99. The deal

- I had never seen him before, and his scent was unfamiliar to me.

- Have you ever seen Mr. Allistar's wolf? - he asked about Michael, and Nagy replied that she had seen it, but it was different from the one that attacked him.

That they were not the same.

She would never betray her partner.

- Well, then I believe in you - Rudolf replied thoughtfully.

- I'm glad to hear that, because I don't like being taken for a fool.

He added, staring at Nagy, and she forced herself to act naturally.

Rudolf was like a sleeping snake, he seemed harmless on the surface, but deep down he was colder and more calculating than his father, too smart for Nagy's taste.

He suspected something and they should be careful.

- Get some rest. Tomorrow we'll see if there are any more clues- he finally let them go and Nagy walked away like someone getting a pardon.

On her way, she saw Freya approaching, but she wasn't really up for her drama, so she immediately turned into fog and left her screaming alone in the hall
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