96. It Wasn't Perfect

eight months later

Many things have changed after the trial of Raúl Sandoval. He has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for his various crimes, including crimes he committed and many others where he executed the order to others to do them.

My father regained his prestige in the business world. The company recovered its former splendor; of course, Lucas and Alejandro had something to do with it. They have been working alongside him all this time. They have also been responsible for bringing to light Raúl Sandoval's misdeeds.

My father's shipping company and Lucas's family company have signed agreements to continue working together. This is about more than just business; it's about agreements between "family." Not just because Lucas and I are married again, but also because Lucía and Alejandro finally united their lives two months ago. Searching for that long-awaited baby they both wanted didn't take long. I still can't believe that in seven months, I'll be Auntie; I can hardly get us
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