88. My New Family

A few days later:

It could even be said that we have dedicated these last few days to ultimately reconciling as a couple and creating memorable moments between the two of us. Perhaps many times, those ordinary moments do not seem so special. Still, for us, even the kitchen has become an adventure lately. My father is still distant from Lucas, and I think he will stay that way for a few more days. We know this could worsen if we fully decide to move to Italy with our children.

On the other hand, tonight is not just any night; my in-laws have arrived from Venice and will come to dinner with us. My father has decided not to be part of this dinner so that I can spend time with my in-laws. However, tomorrow he will have breakfast with us at our favorite restaurant to make the official presentation between families. I know that they met before when my father went to Italy to pick me up, but this will be different since we will soon have a new wedding; this will be the real one.

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