TROUBADOUR: I feel a tight on my heart seeming like a stone of rough diamond on chest, I don’t know if my love will be matched. Beautiful lady who listens my song. These sudden doubts that insanely cause me an uproar! I should have the courage of a warrior to risk myself for hear a “not”. Perhaps I should hide how much lonely I feel myself sometimes, when I wake up by the morning and eats the sweeter fruit thinking about your kiss. I will sing and show how much I would love enjoy your company, how much I want see her and look her in the eyes and say what I fell in my heart. But the lady seems so far away… She seems the most beautiful of all ladies from this village, it’s like the most fragrant of the flowers from the forest, the most splendid of the forests which vivid colors amazes me. Her skin is white like a glass of milk, her hairs are black like ebony and her cheeks are pink. There is a bright in my eyes just like the moon on the starriest nights… I will go to meet her to decla

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