ALCHEMIST: Your Majesty, with great modesty... This time I bring you these scents made from jasmine flowers, hibiscus leaves, honey, cinnamon and a little ginger, along with a secret mix of my experiences so you get protect from aging.

Sometimes I think that man is united with alliances of communion among all. To feel an energy coming from something that is beyond the customs of our imagination is for a few... Only the most sensitive can see what I see in all the divine signs sent by God... This is what I observe as an alchemist: there are only two bodies within an eye-shaped zodiac where there are the ten signs represented from a crab, a lion, a damsel, a scales, a scorpion, and a centaur with an arrow, a goat and another man with a pitcher by where water comes out. Adam and Eve had been the centers of the Universe, and none is hermaphrodite. It's beautiful to have what to follow.

QUEEN: Well, but you've been a failure!


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