Chapter 5 – Starting a family


Tom had not been as excited as Michelle imagined he would be when she told him about the baby.

“Tom, don´t you want to be a father?”

“Of course, I want to be a father, sugar. It is just that I didn´t expect it to happen so soon.”

Tom had gone back to calling her ‘sugar’, after their trip. She really didn´t mind it that much, it is just that Michelle missed hearing him call her ‘his love’. Tom had never said the complete sentence to her anyway. Maybe after the baby was born, he would find the perfect occasion to say: ‘I love you’. She expected fervently for that.

“I think this is the perfect time for us to start a family, Tom.”

“And you may be right. It is not that I don´t want to. The truth is that I had plans for us.”

“What plans?”

“I was thinking that we could travel the world for a couple of yea

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