Chapter 50 – Take me home

Some weeks had passed since the rescue and Bethany still didn´t feel like going back to the palace. There were functions there to attend and other royal compromises but she just didn´t feel up to it. One day, Omar suggested that they could go for the celebration of Ben´s birthday which was near.

“Omar, I am so sorry. I just can´t.”

“Why, Bethany? It is our home. Ben will be the sheik one day. We have postponed our return long enough.”

“I know. You are right but even so, I feel sick when I think of going there. I was threatened beyond my forces there.”

“It is all over now.”

“We don´t know that. There were some maids and other staff who received money to act against us.”

“I see.”

“And your uncle was making a lot of money from illicit deals. Maybe he still wants revenge.”

“Nobody has access to him in jail.”

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