Chapter 75

After receiving Victoria's call, she had been more reflective. She remembered them both, noting that Rashid had been changed by finding her and becoming a father. In addition, Victoria was also excited about the idea, and if her friend could do it. Then she too.

"Honey that's fantastic, I can't believe it, it's not a joke, is it?" He expressed before printing a smile, turning his expression of happiness "It's wonderful news"

But she was crying, seized with anguish. Then she looked at him, she was crying convulsively. He wouldn't stop doing it. Although Victoria's words helped, they didn't take away her fear.

"I know what I told you that time, but I don't want it, this is too much, I don't know if I can do it, do you understand?"

Alaric went from a state of happiness to feeling guilty, lousy.

“We take care of ourselves, this…”

“It was my fault, I forgot to take the pill, I had a lot of things to do. So I forgot, don't blame yourself for my mistake."

Alaric gently brushed the tears from
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