Chapter 2625 She Doesn’t Want It
When Selena talked about Nicole and Eric, she had a smile on her face, and there was no concern or disgust in her eyes.

It was probably because Selena felt that Eric had left his past behind.

Eric would never approach Nicole again, and they each had their own lives.

Nicole smiled. The gemstone bracelet in the box was shiny and beautiful. It was extravagant with each carefully crafted gemstone. There was a kind of wild and exquisite beauty to it.

Nicole shook her head and could not help but laugh.

“I liked collecting these a few years ago, but I’ve restrained myself now. Thank you, I really like it!”

Selena took the initiative to give her a gift, which showed that she did not mind Nicole’s past with Eric. They just laughed it off.

Nicole wore the bracelet on her wrist. It was indeed very beautiful.

Selena smiled and was very happy to see that Nicole liked it.

“The past is in the past. Let’s forgive each other, okay?”

Nicole nodded with sore eyes.

“It’s a pity I didn’t prepare
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