“I want to talk first…about that ‘them’ you mentioned earlier.”

Zique almost faltered at her words and somehow fear started to cave his heart again. Would she accept it?

It was a question he couldn’t stop himself from asking.

Nevertheless, he took a seat at the edge of the bed, running his hand down his face in frustration. He shouldn’t run from the truth any longer. She was already carrying his child, there’s nothing either of them could do about it now.

Sighing he turned to face her. “You’re pregnant…”


Zique’s fingers twitched, his nervousness becoming palpable. “I know you might not want this or rather, I know you might not want to have my child, but yes…you are…you’re pregnant with my child.”

Kiara looked down at her covered stomach, confusion in her eyes. “But the doctor sa~”

“The doctor lied.”


“I know, I was a bastard to you because of that and I’m sorry. Instead of my pack that doesn’t care about me half as much as you do, I should’ve chosen you.

And this happened...a review would be nice |`_`|

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