Chapter 1148

In the end, Gabriel sighed and raised his head. He looked tormented. "Darius, you've already made your feelings on this matter clear. Unfortunately, this is as far as my help goes.

"I've already decided to hand you over to the enlightened martial artists' alliance. As for what happens after that, I won't be interfering. Where you go from there and how they treat you is up to them.

"All I need to do is complete my mission." Gabriel put his hands behind his back.

Darius sensed his determination and smirked. "You're losing your grip on your emotions again. Is your intention to kill me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Because you can't get the answer you want from me."

Gabriel felt frustrated. He shut his eyes and exhaled. A few seconds later, he opened them again. He smiled at Darius. "Thanks for the reminder, Darius." He looked up at the sky.

"I can't control my emotions at all right now. As soon as a thought forms in my mind, it aggravates me. This is a problem I realized long ago, but I don't
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