Chapter 5845
Charlie said seriously, “I think cultivation can also be explained scientifically. It's just that our current level of technology hasn't grasped the principles behind it yet. Reiki is just a higher form of energy, like atomic energy. When people hadn't mastered it, they found it incredible. Presumably, at that time, no one would believe that a kilogram of nuclear fuel could release energy equivalent to several thousand tons or even millions of kilograms of coal. Reiki might be a form of invisible energy similar to nuclear fuel.”

Vera smiled and said earnestly, “What you said makes sense. Perhaps Reiki is indeed as you say, another higher level of energy that most people haven't mastered or studied its principles.”

Charlie continued, “Even Reiki still has to follow the law of conservation of energy, right? There was so much rain just now. The rain stopped, but the water is still there—that's energy conservation. But now, where did the water go?”

With that said, Charlie continued, “Mo
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