Chapter 5794
Charlie didn't expect that while camping in the mountains of Yorkshire Hill, he would encounter two young cancer patients. What surprised him even more was that both of these individuals had wanted to participate in the clinical trials of Apothecary Pharmaceutical in Aurous Hill, but they were both rejected.

What astonished him the most was that this person, Leni, even knew Jameson.

While others were marveling at the fact that Jameson, who once led the entire FDA, had voluntarily resigned and started charity work in Aurous Hill, Charlie curiously asked Leni, “Helron, are you very familiar with Jameson Smith?”

Leni calmly replied, “Not really. After all, before he resigned, he was a high-ranking official in the United States, and the people he interacted with at the FDA were all top-notch biopharmaceutical companies and entrepreneurs worldwide. Someone like Jameson is outstanding even in high society. How could an ordinary person like me have the opportunity to know him?”

Leni then
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