Chapter 5753
Charlie chuckled and said, “Grandma, don't worry. The alcohol has already been consumed by my internal qi, so I won’t be drunk driving.”

After saying that, Charlie added, “By the way, Grandpa, Grandma, I'll go to Willow Manor tomorrow to transfer the formation for the Rejuvenating Pill here. You two should live in Aurous Hill for a while longer. Your health will improve even further then.”

Lady Acker subconsciously said, “Charlie, don't waste the Rejuvenating Pill on us again…”

Lord Acker, who was aside, also said very seriously, “I just said that Charlie can make all the arrangements, so you don't need to contradict me.”

For Keith, he had already taken a whole Rejuvenating Pill. In fact, the formation wasn't that important to him anymore, but he recognized a basic logic: since Charlie had asked them to follow his arrangements, he naturally had to abide by that decision, regardless of whether Charlie's decision was beneficial or detrimental to him.

Lady Acker’s thoughts were actua
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