Chapter 5137
“Arguing with the police?!”

Charlie asked in surprise, “How did Mom end up arguing with the police?”

Claire said in a panic, “I don’t know either. Mom said that she had to go to the toilet, so I helped her in before I came out. After that, I heard her talking to someone on the phone, and the tone of her voice seemed to be getting more and more agitated. She finally started arguing with the other party and even said that he does not deserve to be a police officer...”

Charlie hurriedly said, “I’ll go and take a look.”

After saying that, he looked at Jacob and said seriously, “Dad, you should digest what I’ve just said. If you still feel upset, I’ll come and talk to you again later.”

Jacob was incomparably depressed as he muttered, “Forget it... Stop sprinkling salt on my wounds. No... You’re not even sprinkling salt, it’s sulfuric acid!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly. “In that case, you can figure it out for yourself. I’ll go up and have a look first.”

After that, Charlie and
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