Chapter 5121
The news of the Fox family was very sensational at the beginning, and Elaine was also aware of it.

When she saw Kathleen on television for the first time in her capacity as the head of the Fox family to solve the Fox family’s huge crisis, she actually felt very emotional as she thought to herself back then, ‘We are both women, but she is actually in charge of a super financial empire worth trillions of US dollars when she’s only in her twenties. I have lived for fifty years but I don’t even have five hundred thousand dollars in my bank account. God is really unfair!’

Elaine had a vivid memory of Kathleen, so she was incredibly excited when she saw Kathleen in person at this moment.

However, what Elaine did not know was that Kathleen was actually the one who had given Jacob the Rolls-Royce Cullinan back in Aurous Hill.

Kathleen then spoke up and said very politely to Elaine, “Hello, Aunt.”

Elaine said excitedly, “Miss Fox, you... you know my daughter and son-in-law?”

Kathleen smil
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