Chapter 5119
The next day, Charlie and Claire packed their luggage, checked out of the hotel, and left Providence, where they had been living for more than a month.

The two drove directly to the airport in New York. Just as they were checking the car out at the airport, Charlie received a call from Elaine.

Elaine asked him over the phone, “My dear son-in-law, I’m already at the airport. Where are you?”

Charlie asked her, “Mom, are you in the VIP building?”

“Yes.” Elaine said, “The director of the hospital, Director Camior, sent me here personally.”

“Okay.” Charlie responded and said, “Wait for us in the lobby of the VIP building. We’ll be right there.”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie also completed the procedures for returning the car and then turned around as he said to Claire, who was waiting, “Let’s go to the VIP building directly. Mom has already arrived.”

Claire did not know that her mother had broken her leg again this time and could not help but tease, “My mother is really amazin
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