Chapter 6889
“Alright, time is of the essence. Go fetch James,” Herodias instructed Truett.

Truett turned, wiping away his tears, and hurried out.

Meanwhile, Xitlaly and Yegor stayed by her side.

Upon arriving at the temple, Truett found it empty except for James and Thea seated there.

Truett approached them. “Where are the others?”

James looked at him and replied, “They’ve just been released from their seal and need to recover. Have you already bid farewell?”

Truett nodded, then said, “My mother would like you two to join us.”

James said smilingly, “That won’t be necessary. I can’t bear another farewell. I know what’s on her mind.”

After speaking, he extended his hands and revealed the Wisdom Tower, Courageous Tower, and Perceiver Tower. They buzzed as they flew toward Herodias.

Truett opened his mouth but swallowed his words.

James stated, “We’re like brothers. There’s nothing you can’t say.”

Truett asked, “Is this an artifact that will help my mother reincarnate?”

James explained smil
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