Chapter 6639
James could not stand Yaredʼs conceited attitude. He rolled his eyes. “Challenge? Can you really hold up against my attacks?”

“Why you little…” Yared balled his fists.

“Do you want to fight me again?” James snorted. “I’ve only spared you because Mr. Yegor and Ms. Herodias have asked me not to.

“Otherwise, you would have become my cultivation resource now.”

Yared looked slightly flustered and embarrassed as he turned his face away.

“Who is this guy? How could he speak so arrogantly to me?”

“I think he has every reason to do that.” Herodias smiled mischievously. “You’ve lost to him earlier, after all.”

“Uh…” Yared looked at Yegor instead.

He quickly realized that two out of the three people before him would not take his side no matter what.

Yared might still be able to get some answers from Yegor since the latter had shown respect for him.

Yegor let out a soft sigh. “Sir Yared, he’s the Chosen One and successor of the Marciais Power.

Yaredʼs gaze fell on James again.
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