Everyone was having breakfast.

Benjamin was eating faster than everyone because he hadn’t eaten anything in almost two days. Even though he was not a fan of his own cooking, right now, anything would do.

Nobody even wanted to bother him because he seemed immersed in eating. At least, he didn’t make much sounds, so they didn’t complain.

Eventually, Benjamin was the first to finish eating. He quickly took his plate to the kitchen, washed it, and then returned to his seat so that he could sit next to Rebecca and look at her.

Rebecca was acting like she was not noticing, but she was obviously not liking what he was doing. She glanced at him and said, “What are you looking at?”

“A living treasure,” he replied.

“Cringe,” Veronica said aloud.

“Wait a second,” Benjamin pulled dollar bills and coins out of pocket. “Sister-in-law, I have about a hundred dollars here. How much do you need to buy a pair of pants?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“I mean, you are wearing scanty clothes because
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