#Chapter 17 Full Moon – The Curse

Tanya’s POV

The howling continues, each guttural roar more pained than the last. I know Marco told me to stay in my room no matter what, but his tortured cries pierce my soul and reverberate deep within me until I can’t take it anymore.

I open the door of my room, hesitating in the hallway for a moment as my concern for Marco wars against fear and uncertainty. Finally, I reach his room, but when I knock on the door, there’s no answer. Every few minutes, there’s another pained howl, and the silence in between is just as alarming.

His room is locked from the inside, and the door won’t budge when I struggle with the knob. Desperation intensifies my need to reach him, to help him. I look around until my eyes land on a decorative candelabra on the hallway counter. Another anguished howl snaps me into action, and I instinctively grab the candlestick and slam it onto the doorknob. It takes me a few tries until I manage to knock the metal hard enough that the lock gives in, and I’m able to
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