Chapter 2479
Gina, who was standing at the door, saw this scene and was about to walk in when she was stopped by her husband.

“Stop causing more trouble. Do you really want your son to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?”

“Who said I'm going to make trouble? I’m going to tell them that I agree to this marriage now, okay?”

Her husband was startled. “You’re agreeing to this?”

Gina was about to answer when out of the corners of her eyes, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the lights in the room. It was followed by cheers and applause from inside.

Ava pulled herself out of Daniel's embrace. She was surprised to find Madeline and Jeremy, her parents, and even Tom and Maisie slowly approaching them with smiles on their faces.

Ava stared blankly at Madeline. Then, she finally understood that they had all worked together to arrange this.

Only she and Daniel’s parents were kept in the dark.

Daniel had never thought of leaving her at all. He just used a different approach to let her know that she w
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