Chapter 6


What's going on with Liam?

I can't understand why he is acting this way.

Is something going on that I'm not aware of?

My goodness!

Is he sick?


I don't think so.

But it's also hard to believe he's changing.

Why did it take 3 years to do this? I stared at that pendant trying to understand.

When Zac's message arrived it was my rescue.

I had no idea what to say to Liam.

I really don't understand this whole situation.

Zac wanted confirmation that I was going to see him.

I'd already resigned myself to Liam would never be mine alone.

That he would never change.

I've known him for years and it was the first time he showed any feelings.

Liam showers me with gifts, especially when I'm mad at him, but it's superficial things that he believes every woman is happy to have.

And now this out of nowhere?

All of a sudden he's been all sweet and not the Liam I know.

I don't know his game, but I don't think I want to play it.

I paid the taxi driver and entered the
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