Chapter 16

P.V. Liam Frey

When I woke up it was past noon and Luna was no longer in bed.

I bet she's at the club working.

This woman works too much.

Luna needs a vacation, those days away from here did her a lot of good.

I'll think of something we can do.

There was little left for the robbery that will be the day after tomorrow, I hope everything goes well.

I put on a pair of shorts and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

- Good morning, Adele.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

- Good morning my dear.

- Do you know where Luna is?

- Nightclub.

- Adele smiled.

- As always...

I took an apple and went to my office, as the boys went to get things to rob, I'll spend the afternoon at home anyway.

As I agreed with Luna that as soon as the robbery was over we would go to New York together, I called Jason so he could arrange a jet and prepare our arrival there.

I'll have to be extra careful, as Leon's men must have tried something after I busted his club.

I felt someone hugging me from behi
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