Dinner was fine.

Ismail was no longer so bad at cooking, of course he left the hardest part up to me. But it was those moments that became incomparable, and we were united, moments only his and mine, no one else's. In the end he was in charge of washing the dishes; Isaac helped him. For my part, I took Lizzy to bed staying with her for a while, because I couldn't deny her sweet request that I read her a story. Without further ado, I searched the internet for an interesting one, one of the ones I had at home on paper, we forgot to pack.

Luckily I found his favorite online, and narrated it to him. In the process, I saw her shake her head, struggling not to close her eyes, she wanted to hear everything even though she already knew it by heart. He interrupted me a couple of times, questioning as usual, the young princess's decision to reject the prince. When I read it to her I remembered to give her an answer, perhaps Brenda did too, but she, not satisfied with the answer, asked again.

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