Chapter 5486
At this moment, many higher-ups were squinting at Kairi Patel.

They wanted to see how the new second-in-command would handle such an accusation.

Kairi was also in charge of the land department. If she could not deal with one of her own departments…

She would be reduced to being a mere figurehead.

Kairi frowned. She had no time to deal with this in just a single day.

She could not ascertain whether Chanse Foster was speaking the truth.

Chanse casually sipped his tea before smiling faintly.

“Let’s cut to the chase, Madam Kairi.

“Why don’t we stop the meeting here?

“Come with me to the land department to hold a staff meeting.

“On one hand, I’m sure everyone would like to meet you.

“On the other hand, you’d need to apologize to everyone as well.

“After all, their efforts are all for nothing because of your sudden rise to power.

“As the second-in-command, it wouldn’t be hard for you to make a simple apology, right?”

The deputy and the small leaders of the land department in th
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