Chapter 8

Lindsey arrived at the mansion as usual. As she took a few steps on the stairs, she heard an intimidating voice.

"Where have you been?"

Lindsey rolled her eyes and turned to look at him. "Good evening, Kyle! How are you?"

"I am the master of the house to you. You should address me as Mr. Kyle."

Lindsey didn't like how he was talking to her. His dark gaze scared her, and she felt the fear of being mistreated again. Her hands started to sweat as she clenched them together, tired of being trampled on.

She raised her eyebrows and replied with a sarcastic tone, ‘Even if I don't make it out of that house alive, I won't let anyone else continue humiliating me.’

" Excuse me, Your Majesty. Even if it's just on paper, I don't see the need for so much formality as my husband," she replied with a raised eyebrow and a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up!" he shouted, angered by her sarcastic tone and defiant look.

"Don't shout at me! We are not animals! We are two civilized people!"

"Why are you arriving at
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