Clara was extremely confused.

From finding herself in front of the new alpha who looked at her as if she were the most promiscuous she-wolf in the entire pack and left her tied to the bed as if she were an animal, she found herself running in the middle of the forest, as if her life depended on it.

She had the urge to stop and analyze the situation, but she was more focused on not bumping into the shadows of the trees in front of her and of feeling how she was being chased by two presences that were already very close to her. Not sniffing around her too much to know who they were. The pheromones of the two male wolves behind her were so potent and aggressive that they forced her own paws to keep running.

And no one knew how glad she was that she had learned to run away so quickly, having to do it as a matter of routine every time she was chased by the Wild Ones when they went hunting. Thanks to that, the wolves could stay close to her, but not reach her. And she had a rather unusual e
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