
     After several days of walking, Vlad and Smarald came close to the Hoia-Baciu Forest, where they could appreciate that each time they approached their destination, the atmosphere seemed darker. It was inexplicable and almost impossible to describe, and as they crossed the path that would lead them to a circular plateau deep in the forest, Dracula remarked to his daughter that the ritual was to be celebrated in that circle there was no vegetation in it. There was a kind of supernatural portal, which could be used by any mystical being, both good and evil. He also warned that as a human being, entering the forest, strange things could happen, such as hearing voices, seeing figures and other unforeseen events

     As soon as Smarald stepped into the forest, she felt something sinister: the vegetation, besides being dense and closed, was bizarre, the trees seemed inexplicably charred, its wood wa

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