Final Chapter - Disillusionment

For a while I decided to get out of my hiding place and show my face more in the other compartments of the house, my children and even the neighborhood are surprised that I have appeared more often here, I need to be careful with these vacillations, nobody can know that I am going hunting for another skirt tail. The brunette didn't show up anymore and I became impatient, I was so disconcerted that I couldn't write a single line more in the chapter of the new work.

And I who thought I was cured of my immense inclination by women with an air of naughtiness, that nothing, they still move me a lot and drag me to their feet as happens between a magnet and the iron. I sent a message to her and I am waiting uneasily for the answer, I asked if it would be possible for us to bring an idea, set up a meeting, wherever. I don't know, but something tells me that there will be a mood.

I can even imagine what comments will be made about this, I'm going to buy a hell of a fight, but I

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