Fifth Chapter - A Huge Void

After I realized the need for change and gave up the uncontrollable search for sex, I was definitely free from the evil desires that permeated my mind and let me see nothing but the immorality in which I lived in slavery. However, as a result of that, I also lost the desire to share my life with other people and I opted for solitude, I got used to living alone, with no one around.

I learned to enjoy the silence and my ears were inflamed to the point that I could no longer bear the best noise, any noise is too uncomfortable to the point of causing headaches, even the slightest hum of an insect that flies near me is as if it were the thunder boom in winter times. Today, I am like the mole looking for darkness in the deepest layers of the earth. A tortoise or the snail inside its cocoon.

I moved away from living with the outside world and started to be uncomfortable with the sound of voices that may be able to speak close to where I am. I have always been afraid of old ag

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