Chapter 5758
Charlie hadn't done much research on the study of destiny.

In the Apocalyptic Book, there was a wealth of miscellaneous knowledge, but it notably lacked explanations about destiny. He used to think that destiny might be like India's caste system, where a high destiny equated to a high caste, meaning a person of high caste only had a high social status, but they didn't inherently possess great strength. People of high caste could still get sick, age, and face various accidents just like anyone else. However, Vera's words suggested that destiny was far more complex than he had imagined.

So, he asked Vera, “If my father had the fate of the dragon, would he not have been killed by Mr. Chardon?”

Vera asserted confidently, “That’s right! The power of destiny lies in their absolute hierarchy. As long as a person with the fate of the dragon doesn't seek death, how could Mr. Chardon, who merely had the fate of the tiger, kill someone with the fate of the dragon? Young Master, you have the fa
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