Chapter 19

Daniel did not know what to say, Yazahib has attacked her without further ado, why does he say that? Why is he looking at her with such pain and anger? "What are you talking about?" She muttered.

“What am I talking about? I'm talking about you being a hypocrite. You hate that they lie to you and keep secrets from you, but you are the one who do it the most, why lie to me? Why cheat on me like that when I gave everything for you?”

Daniel's heart skipped a beat and ached at his words, "I don't understand,” she looked at him with great pain. "Why do you say that I have deceived you? Why are you yelling at me and looking at me like that?” 

Yazahib angrily took the photos from the floor and threw them at Daniel's feet, "I'm talking about that, I'm talking about your stubbornness for not leaving work, I'm talking about how good you feel when you go to projects, I'm talking about the damn photos!" 

Daniel with dif

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