Chapter 18

Days of constant messages, days of endless blackmail and threats, Daniel can't take it anymore, she can't tolerate that man anymore, she feels the need to tell Yazahib everything, and he will most likely tell her.

Simone, who has been suspicious, decided to talk to Daniel, he must make her talk about her resentful behavior. Yazahib on the other hand, does not stop pampering her and trying to keep her calm. He has asked Daniel to stop working, but she refuses, she is behaving in a foolish way and that many times puts him in a bad mood, but he does not say anything, he promised not to make her angry and he must comply.

Let's see teddy" Simone looked into her eyes, "why so aware of the cell phone? Why do you look so nervous?”

Daniel smiled to hide, that man named Riquelme, does not leave her alone and now he is much more intense than before. The fact that Yazahib did not fall into the trap he planned days ago made him crazy. "It's my job, darling. I

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