KNIGHT: I'm really surprised by your courage for today, my dear squire, for your loyalty. You know that all the cunning in the world is too little for someone who decides to face a dragon. Let us be recognized as beings who carry a certain glory by eliminating the danger of the surroundings of this kingdom! We will become legends!

SQUIRE: But what a boast! What vanity! They barely think of their lives and want a reputation! Well, look at that dense grove, there are verdant grasses with fresh air and fruit-bearing orchards down there and a deep lake, with crystal clear water full of floating flowers, that's where I wanted to be...!

KNIGHT: Well, stop being silly! Then when we find the entrance to the cave, you come right behind me. The other knights will be coming soon!

[The knight and squire stop on the way and talk to the other knights in the group]:

KNIGHT: Knight, it's with great dexterity that we are here to deal with a fearful destiny th

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