Chapter 9

“At least I have a reason and you don't, I may be angry and all of a sudden I just want to cry my heart out, but it's all about the hormones. Instead you are a...” Without seeing him coming, the man leaned towards her and pressed her lips against his. The unexpected kiss that she didn't reciprocate for just a thousandth of a second, then she melted into it and continued to dance together without knowing why she matched him like that, nor that desperate need to continue doing it.

My God! They were in the middle of a hospital waiting room, being able to be seen by a third party who knew her or not, anyway they couldn't be doing that in a place like this. That the reason was not because he separated but the urgent need to get the air that left his lungs.

“Why did you kiss me?”

“Has your anger gone?” he responded with another question to which she simply nodded her head, completely confused, that's the important thing, you're not mad at me anymore She finally reacted to her words and pout
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