On the outskirts of a sleepy bordertown.

A convoy of military vehicles rolls dow on the old country road. The roaring sounds of diesel engines disturbs the serene wheat fields. A few locals wave as the convoy make their way. The fleet of Armored Carriers and Trucks continue their way closer to the town.

The third vehicle on the convoy is the command vehicle. This armored personnel carrier contains a battle management system and various communication devices. It's the brain of the convoy and the designated ride for the officials.

"Captain, it seems pretty lively out here", the driver told his most important passenger.

"It is only a day before the celebrations, of course everyone is lively", the Captain replied.

A soldier from the back interjects. "Prince, oh uh, Captain, wouldn't the nobles search for you?, It is that time of the year and they already lost the crown prince."

"Don't worry 1st Lieutenant, I'll be back before the royal ball begins." The Captain replied.

Their driver
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