Chapter 5856
Fleur's thoughts stirred, and she then wrapped the off-road vehicle with numerous broken branches, concealing it thoroughly. After that, she straightened her clothes and walked toward the depths of the mountains without looking back.


Meanwhile, all surveillance videos from Stoneridge had been transferred by Emmett's subordinates to a special cloud server. After giving the server address and password to Vera, Vera, along with Charlie, watched the surveillance videos on a laptop in her room.

Although Mount Turtle Back had no surveillance, based on Fleur's time of arrival, Vera quickly found her figure on the surveillance footage at the entrance to the mountain. Starting from this surveillance camera, they traced back to Stoneridge Ancient Town, covering all of Fleur's routes within the surveillance range.

As a result, the two easily found Fleur's off-road vehicle in the parking lot. In Oskia, while people might escape surveillance, it was nearly impossible for vehicles to do so. An
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