“The girl is here” Keith said, joining me for breakfast. “Which girl? Where?” I asked, looking at him with the most confused look on my face. “Dawn summers. We spoke about it two days ago!” he said, my half buttered toast in my hand as I looked at him just as confused as I was before he provided me with extra information. “The girl who said that she was Olivia’s best friend and wants to help us find her! The girl that wanted to come and stay at Stermyer! The girl that you were so suspicious about! The one that you think is either working for dad or Cariso” Keith half shouted in frustration. “Oh that girl. The one that called you” I suddenly remembered . “Yesss!!! That one! Oh my word Austin, what is going on with you?” Keith asked. “Er, not much except that my elder brother hates me and my mate got so scared of me that she ran away and then possibly got kidna

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