parking They talked and laughed along the way, got to the parking lot, parked the car where it was, got on the elevator, and as soon as the door opened, they saw Mateo, and there was a lot of noise in the office, everyone liked him, he treated everyone all good

- Good morning my beautiful love!

Good morning, young Mateo.

- How is young Mateo doing?

- What a handsome Mr. Matteo!

-Thank you, my love, you are always so kind to me, so kind to me!

Hadrian stood still when his cousin walked into the office.

- Well, now that's the distraction, good morning Collinsians!

- good morning boss

Good morning, Mr. Hadrian.

The greeting continued until he arrived at his office, where Laurieta hugged him

- Good morning, my handsome boss!

- Good morning, beautiful Laurieta!

- The boss is handsome! No wonder my cousin is conceited

- For Laurita I am her handsome boss! , right, pretty?

-He will always be my handsome boss! And you, my Merry Boy!

Hadrian laughed and left the office with a smile.

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